4 months on… How am I doing ?

Hi everybody I’ve neglected posting for two weeks due to being so busy and honestly having what I call a brain fart. I couldn’t think of anything to write!Whenever I did think of something I discouraged myself. Well, it’s always okay to take a break from all things once in a while. From resentment to… Continue reading 4 months on… How am I doing ?

How I manage my inflammatory bowel disease.

Managing your Crohns or Colitis is much easier said than done. When you are in a state where you are not only physically weak , but also mentally fragile, the will to do anything is non existent. I have been there too , this month marks 4 months of me receiving my diagnosis. Although ,… Continue reading How I manage my inflammatory bowel disease.

Studying with IBD.

Hey guys ! It’s been a long blog post coming, I’ve been so indulged in life finding the time to blog was impossible.Today , I finally got a day to just ,relax ,unwind and chill so yeah I decided to blog 🙂 So here in the UK , exam season is upon us. Unfortunately. Exams go… Continue reading Studying with IBD.

What does remission really mean for people with chronic diseases?

The definition for remission : a temporary diminution of the severity of disease or pain .. What does this actually mean for me? Your doctor or consultant will let it beknown that the aim of your treatment is to put you in remission in order for you to live a healthy life. Many of you ,… Continue reading What does remission really mean for people with chronic diseases?